Standards of Service
Standard of service under the Cycle Tech UK logo:
One Stop is a member of Cycle Tech UK, a group of independent businesses working to the same high standard of service
with a passion to keep your bicycle in top condition.
Tech UK sets the standards of its members so each Customer receives the same professional level of service complying with all laws and statutory regulations.
In the unlikely event that the Customer is not entirely satisfied
and cannot resolve this with the cycle technician further recourse is available by contacting
Each Cycle Tech UK
member is kept updated regularly with training and product
knowledge. Each member carries a full professional tool
kit, and uses quality parts. All
Cycle Tech UK mechanics are Cytech trained in all aspects of bike maintenance, a nationally recognised qualification in bicycle
mechanics. Cytech is organised through the Association of Cycle Traders (ACT) a body committed to encouraging high standards
within bike shops throughout the country.
The Cycle Tech UK name and logo is a guarantee of quality assurance to Customers as all members are
committed to maintaining the high standards of practice set out by Cycle Tech UK.